Saturday, May 26, 2007

When to NOT Work Your Warm Market

Warm Market

Whether you are new to Network Marketing or a Veteran, one of the first things your sponsor or upline told you to do was to make a list of your friends, family and the people you know and start sharing your new business with them. This list is called your “Warm Market”.
When I started my business back in January 2005 I was told to do just that. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. Now with a little time and a lot of experience under my belt, I know why being told to work my “warm market” put a knot in the pit of my stomach.

Working your Warm Market

If you have a product or service that is of interest to those on your warm market list then it is certainly OK to share the product or service with them. Your warm market can help you to create “Buzz” surrounding your new business and what you offer. This is also an excellent way to get you into profit quickly.

I would encourage you to use your warm market for retailing your product or service. However in Network Marketing, there is a time and place for everything and attempts to prospect your warm market for your business opportunity is a mistake!

When NOT to work your Warm Market

Sharing the “Business Opportunity” part of your business with your warm market can create a situation that can leave you without friends and the brunt of family jokes.

Beware of using your warm market to prospect for your business opportunity. If you do you could set yourself up for some unexpected pitfalls in your business. Because your warm market is your first affordable choice for marketing your product or service, you want to ensure that they are comfortable calling you or having you call them when they make a retail purchase or contract for your service.

If your warm market feels like they will be “attacked” by a sales pitch each time you call or come around, you risk alienating them from your products, services and personal life. If they expect that each time you call you are going to try and “get them onboard” with your business opportunity, they will just avoid you and that will not put money in your pocket.

Stay on the invitation list of your friends and family by providing them only with your high quality product or service. They will see your success over time and the enjoyment you are experiencing and will want to be a part of it…IF they are interested. Your success through action speaks much louder than words. Get out there and Share your Passion!

Mindset is Nothing without Action!


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